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Harry KimInterested In Front-end

Project List

1. Project WeMo

project wemo login page
project wemo main page
project wemo chart page

Usage : Java, Oracle DB, Spring w/ Mybatis, Tomcat server, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap
Describe : First team project at IT bootcamp, CRUD are operated with Ajax when user event occur.
Duration : 4 weeks
Participation : 40% (UI/UX, DB modeling, Eventhandling functions etc.)

2. Seoul Bicycle Place

seoul bycicle app page

Usage : React (mini project)
Describe : Seoul public rental bike named “Ddarungee’, this app shows location of rental place and bicycle remains.
Duration : 1 days
Participation : 100% (personal mini project)

3. Wemo React Project

project wemo login page
project wemo main page
project wemo setting page
project wemo logout page

Usage : React Hook, Mongo DB, Node.js server, Material-ui
Describe : Rebuild the first memo app with React and mongo DB(modeling with Mongoose). Some UI/UX changed and improved user convenience. Also tried TDD method of development.
Duration : 4 weeks
Participation : 100% (personal project)

4. Firebase Chat app

firebase chat app login page
firebase chat app main page

Usage : React Hook, Node.js server, Google Firebase DB
Describe : A simple chat app with real-time database, Firebase. Front side was built by React Hook.
Duration : 3 weeks
Participation : 100% (personal project)

5. NextJS blog with REST API using django REST framework

nextjs blog login page
nextjs blog main page
nextjs todo list page

Usage : Python, django, django REST framework, Javascript, React, NextJs, Tailwind CSS
Describe : Simple blog page with NextJS, To-do list(CRUD) is changed with user event through django REST api modeled by django REST framework.
Duration : 1 weeks
Participation : 100% (personal project)

6. GitHub Blog with Hexo framework

GitHub blog page

Usage : Javascript based Hexo framework
Describe : Individual blog for summary personal studies that is built by Hexo framework.
Duration : 1 days to build, Keep updated
Participation : 100% (personal project)